


Our company's core value is the Employee retention. It is crucial for the success and stability of any company. It refers to the ability to retain talented and skilled employees within. By implementing strategies such as competitive compensation, career development opportunities, a positive work culture, and effective communication, we hope that company can enhance employee satisfaction and reduce turnover rates. Building strong relationships, providing recognition, and fostering a supportive environment are also key factors in employee retention. Retaining valuable employees leads to increased productivity, knowledge retention, and a positive reputation, ultimately contributing to the long-term success of the company.

Win Win

The win-win principle in business emphasizes creating mutually beneficial outcomes for all parties involved. It encourages a collaborative approach where companies prioritize the satisfaction of customers, employees, suppliers, and stakeholders. By fostering positive relationships and seeking mutually advantageous solutions, businesses can achieve long-term success. The win-win principle promotes ethical practices, fair competition, and sustainable growth. It recognizes that by considering the interests of all stakeholders, businesses can create a harmonious ecosystem where everyone thrives, leading to increased customer loyalty, employee satisfaction, and overall business prosperity.

Recycled cashmere

"The goal of recycled cashmere in Mongolia is to address the environmental and socioeconomic challenges associated with the cashmere industry. Mongolia is one of the world's largest producers of cashmere, but the traditional methods of production contribute to overgrazing and desertification. Recycled cashmere aims to reduce the environmental impact by utilizing discarded cashmere products and transforming them into new, high-quality garments. This process involves sorting, cleaning, and re-spinning the fibers, resulting in a sustainable and circular fashion system. Moreover, recycled cashmere projects in Mongolia also prioritize the well-being of herders and their communities. By promoting fair trade practices, these initiatives ensure that herders receive fair wages for their labor and have access to better working conditions. They also provide training and support for sustainable herding practices, thus preserving the delicate balance between the nomadic way of life and the environment. Ultimately, the goal of recycled cashmere in Mongolia is to create a more sustainable and ethical cashmere industry, benefiting both the environment and the livelihoods of the people involved."

Recylced outsole

Recycled outsoles aim to tackle environmental concerns in the footwear industry by repurposing materials and reducing waste. By utilizing recycled rubber, plastic, and other durable substances from sources like discarded shoes and industrial waste, these outsoles minimize the demand for virgin resources. This approach significantly reduces the environmental impact associated with traditional outsole manufacturing, including carbon emissions and energy consumption. By promoting sustainability and circularity, recycled outsoles contribute to a more eco-friendly and responsible footwear industry, without compromising on quality or functionality.

Petrol free delivery

"We are thrilled to announce the launch of our petrol-free delivery service, a groundbreaking initiative that aims to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability in the transportation sector. By eliminating the use of petrol-powered vehicles in our delivery fleet, we are taking a significant step towards creating a greener and more eco-friendly future. Our new service will rely on electric vehicles, bicycles, or other clean energy alternatives to make deliveries. These vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions, resulting in cleaner air and a healthier environment for everyone. Not only will this help mitigate the impact of climate change, but it will also contribute to improving air quality in our communities. The petrol-free delivery service aligns with our commitment to corporate social responsibility. We understand that sustainability is a collective responsibility, and we invite our customers to join us on this journey toward a greener future. By choosing our petrol-free delivery service, they can actively contribute to reducing their carbon footprint and making a positive impact on the environment."